surf kayaking

Kayaking: what to know before you go for it

Kayaking actually encompasses a collection of different sports rather than it being a sport unto itself. There is white-water kayaking, sea kayaking, kayak touring, sit-on-top kayaking, surf kayaking, and recreational kayaking, just to name a few of the different types of kayaking out there.

There are lots of factors to consider when choosing a kayak. At here we are going to discuss the factors upon which a kayak should be selected:

What Type of Kayaking Will You Be Doing?

The very first question that needs to be asked, therefore, is what type of kayaking the paddler will be doing. If you’re not sure what type of kayaking you’ll be doing, chances are you will want to paddle around in some local bodies of protected waters. In which case, you are looking for a recreational kayak.

recreational kayak

What Should My Kayak Be Made of?

Some beginners want to buy the best boat they can get their hands on right from the start. Others just want to get started and expect to upgrade down the road. The latter approach is the one we recommend as most kayakers will eventually own multiple boats over the course of their life.

For this reason, we recommend that most beginners start out with a used plastic kayak.

The gist of the plastic or composite kayak discussion is like this. Plastic kayaks are more durable, less expensive, and heavier than composite boats. Fibreglass, Kevlar, carbon fibre, and even wooden kayaks are all lighter and faster, but more delicate than their plastic counterparts. Unless you have lots of kayaking experience to know exactly what you want and how to take care of it, we recommend going with plastic at first.

What Size Kayak Should I Buy?

Since every kayak is designed differently, the manufacturer will give a suggested weight range. Stick to kayaks within your weight range. Then sit in the kayak. The most important way to size a kayak is to get in and make sure that you are comfortable. Be sure you fit, that your feet can reach the foot supports, that your legs make comfortable contact with the thigh braces, and that the backrest supports you properly.

Solo kayak or tandem kayak

Many people who want to buy recreational kayaks initially think they may want a tandem kayak that is one that can hold two people. The idea is to then take their spouse or friend with them. Unfortunately, this rarely happens and the paddler is stuck with a kayak that is difficult–if not impossible–to paddle alone. For this reason, solo kayaks are the best option for beginners.

At here, we’ve discussed the concepts to be considered before getting out for kayaking. Hope you found it informational, to know more about kayaking, or kayaks feel free to visit us at

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