
Essential steps to follow to buy a home

The sale of a home is the most important investment in the lives of most citizens, so we show you some steps you must follow to successfully perform this operation. Among the recommendations offered by the General Council of Notaries is to see if the house carries charges or fees from the community of owners without paying. If you are considering buying a home then visit this link for real estate purchase agreement.

Before signing the public deed of sale of the house, notaries remember that a private contract is usually drawn up between the buyer and the seller, which must contemplate important issues such as:


Who signs for the selling party

When a promoter sells, the administrator or the agent of the company signs. If it is a sale between individuals, all the owners must sign, and if it is marital or family housing, both spouses 

Visit if you are thinking about real estate purchase agreement.

State of charges of the house

 It is essential to check if the house is free of charges if it has a mortgage, if there are embargoes on it, or if there is any limitation in the statutes of the community of owners. You can apply directly to the property registry for a simple informative note or do it through a notary. Sometimes it is necessary to ask the town hall for a certificate of urban legality in case there is any type of affectation that does not appear in the property registry.

Quotas of the community of owners

Before the purchasemakes sure that the house is up to date with payments and expenses since in certain cases the law obliges the buyer to take care of them.

The public deed is reliable

The grantors of a sale declare before a notary their willingness to buy and sell and the conditions of the sale. The notary, a public official, attests or authenticates these statements in the deed so that neither party can deny to the other what they have stated. The public deed is privileged evidence before the courts.

The public deed provides legal security

The notary is not limited to testifying. Its professional performance provides legal security through the verification and verification that the aspects included in the private document comply with the law.

The payment of taxes and registration in the Property Registry

If you are going to personally carry out those steps, consult the notary for the deadlines in order to avoid sanctions or loss of rights. You can also choose to order your paperwork from the notary, who will proceed to send to the property registry an authorized electronic copy of the deed for registration. Subsequently, you will receive an authorized copy of the official paper deed with all the supporting documents and invoices.

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