CBD Oil Side Effect

How To Deal With The CBD Oil Side Effect

While anxiety and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) are serious forms of mental ailments, one should not chase after every other magic pill that promises to get rid of its symptoms and complications. One of the most popular forms of anti depressants that have found its way to the people is CBD oil. Extracted from the same compound that makes you feel high and intoxicated, it has been researched upon and especially developed to act upon the needs of those suffering from situations. However there are CBD oil side effect that has been overlooked by users. Contrary to popular belief, these substances produce almost similar effects as those of THC. Due precaution should be exercised in its application.

CBD consumptions

Common side effects:

  • Effect on liver: Some liver enzymes are not able to carry out their duly assigned duties and thus fall prey to not being to process the ingested food properly. Taking CBD in large amount can temporarily lead to the neutralization of this enzyme.
  • Dry mouth: The feeling of having a dry mouth that is quite synonymous with being high is also associated with CBD consumptions. After all, it has many common properties with THC.
  • Parkinson’s disease: If you are someone who is suffering from Parkinson’s then it might lead to further deterioration in your conditions.
  • Low blood pressure:As the feeling of being calm sets in, many vital bodily functions are suppressed along with the increase in production of anti depressants. These effect onsets after a few minutes of CBD entering your blood stream. If you are on any blood pressure medication, you should consult your doctor beforehand.
  • Lightheadedness: These feeling onsets if the consumption of CBD is not regulated. This effect can be negated with the consumption of a cup of tea.
  • Drowsiness: It might have some intoxicating effect on the mind of the individual. In most of the cases, however, CDB is treated as a wake inducing agent.

Test the waters:

It is advised that you conduct a thorough study of the compound before you start using it. CBD oil side effect might be different for everyone, if you have been using this substance and have started to encounter symptoms that were not there before, immediately cease its use. Consult a doctor if the symptoms do not subside. They are temporary in nature and should collapse as the use of CBD is trimmed down.


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